​CLOVER 6 Syllable Types (6 hours)
6 hours of instruction on the 6 syllable types and how to use each one in class or tutoring sessions.
6 syllable types are the foundation for teaching using Orton-Gillingham. We may not cover everything in class but this is a good foundational starting point in learning O.G.
Dyslexia 101 (1 hour)
This one hour session teaches the basics of dyslexia and dysgraphia.
Orton-Gillingham Basic Training (6 hours seminar)
Overview of the Orton-Gillingham Tutoring Program. You will leave with a deck of phoneme cards and the basic skills on how to use them to teach students in a classroom or in tutoring with short vowels and consonants.
This is an overview and the basic training on how to teach using Orton-Gillingham Phoneme Cards. Ms. MacNiven will mentor you as you learn the tutoring process in the following weeks.
Not a certificate course. Just Basic Training Only!
One Training/Mentoring
One on one level one training on how to teach reading and writing using the basic OG phoneme/grapheme cards.